March Update

I’m still on a break from trading until further notice. But I did find some time to update my aircheck list to include some airchecks I received before the break. 82 new airchecks have been added from AL, AZ, CA, DC, FL, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO, NV, NY, NC, OH, TN, UT, WI, Canada, Belize, and Honduras. It will likely be at least a few months before I’m able to trade again. But I will keep you up to date here!

February Update

I hope Winter 2022 is treating you well! I don’t have a new aircheck list update this month. I did receive new airchecks, but don’t have time to update the list yet. In fact, I will be taking a break from aircheck trading beginning now until the foreseeable future. I have many things on my plate these days and just no time left to devote to this hobby right now. That may change in the near future, but for now I must hit pause. Meanwhile, feel free to enjoy the other features on this website such as my jingles collection and The Aircheck Time Machine Project. Keep watching this page for further updates!

January Update

Happy New Year! Let’s hope 2022 is better than our previous couple of years! I do have a list update this month, but I will not be trading during the month of January. I have too many personal obligations this month to spend any time on trades. However, I do expect everything to be back to normal in February. Meanwhile, I have updated my airchecks list with the trades I completed last month. 101 new airchecks have been added from AZ, CA, DC, FL, IL, LA, MD, MA, MO, NY, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, VA, WV, WI, and Syndicated Shows.

December Update

Season’s Greetings! Winding down another year with another aircheck list update. 95 new additions have been added to the following states: CA, FL, GA, ID, IL, KY, MA, MO, NY, NC, OH, SC, and TX. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May Santa bring you everything on your list this year!

November Update

It’s hard to believe it’s almost time to say Happy Holidays again. 2021 has flown by! Another airchecks list update has been posted. 97 new airchecks have been added this time. Look for new additions in CA, FL, GA, IL, NY, NC, OH, VA, Canada, Other Stuff (XM Radio) and Syndicated Shows. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!

October Update

Fall has arrived and I hope you’re enjoying cooler weather and changing leaves (where applicable)! Enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie and check out my updated airchecks list which has 94 new additions from DC, FL, GA, IL, MD, MA, MI, NY, OH, TN, and Syndicated Shows.

September Update

This month’s aircheck list update is a bit larger than last month’s due to some last-minute trades. Look for 129 new additions this time in CA, CT, DC, FL, MA, MI, MO, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, VA, WA, Canada, and Syndicated Shows.

August Update

Hopefully you are enjoying this nice warm summer weather as much as I am! Meanwhile, I’ve just posted this month’s aircheck list update. 57 new airchecks have been added this time. Look for new additions in AZ, DC, FL, GA, IL, LA, MD, NY, OH, PA, TX, WA, and Syndicated Shows.

July Update

I hope you are enjoying summer! Another list update is ready. I’ve not been doing too much trading lately, for various reasons, so there are only 75 new entries to the aircheck list this time. Look for new additions in CA, FL, GA, MA, NY, and Syndicated Shows.

June Update

Welcome Summer! It’s been a busy month and I thought I wouldn’t be able to get an update out this month, but indeed I was able to get it done. 143 new airchecks have been added to the list. Nearly half of these are countdown shows. Look for new additions in AL, CA, DC, FL, GA, MO, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WA, WI, Canada, Syndicated Shows, and the “Other Stuff” category for some SiriusXM airchecks.